Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What matters most!

Thank you so much my dears for continuing to read my blogg.....that is a very happy thing.

- Yesterday, at my house it was really raining hard. My mom and dad weren't there and it was just me and the BOYS.....MY TWO LITTLE BROTHERS. I'm not saying that brothers are bad at all... but some days they, well, are BOYS.

-So I decided that a way to get my exercise and to also play with them after doing 8 hours of homework would be to get out in the rain and jump on the trampoline! So all three of us put on our shoes and went out there. Then when we came in our dog had snuck out with us so we had to give that smelly thing a bath along with the other two little animals (the boys of course). We all gave Benji a bath...

God just reminded me of the things in life that are most important. They will remember that for a-long time....that means a-lot to me.

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