Tuesday, November 11, 2008

In Target...

Hello Ladies,
Well, I have to say that I had one of my MOST embarrassing moments in Target! Oh man, OK so me, my mom and my little brother Luke, who is six years old, were at target. We finished our shopping to see this cute guy that was going to help us check out. While I was standing there giving him my money, Luke says, " those look like boy pants" the worker had jokingly asked Luke if these where his cloths. Oh wait...it gets better...then Luke says, " WOW! those are huge!" I was so so so embarrassed. My mom told me in the car that I was blood red. So the thing is, well sometimes it happens, even in front of cute guys at the register. I think that God was reminding me ( once again) to always forget what others think about me. Truthfully, I would have never been that embarrassed if it was at my house. Thats my story of the week.


1 comment:

Smelling Coffee said...

Lindsey~ You are such a cool teen! I pray that my 10 year old daughter is like you. We're working on training her to be that way. I'm going to let her start reading your blog with me.

Keep it up, sister. You are blessed and a blessing!

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