Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Things that come first

Hello my fellow Ladies!

This is Linds telling you that I HAVE SO MUCH SCHOOL RIGHT NOW!!!
Things are soooo busy and it seems that I don't have time to do everything...but God gives me grace!
So this morning I was doing my math and WAM God hit me over the head saying, " Lindsey! what did you do when you woke up this morning?"
I said..."Well ok I REALLY have to get this math done and then I have to head out the door to go to classes!" So God was basically saying..."Did you do your devotion with Me yet? Which you know is WAY more important than any algebra! " I know I know...so I did it and was I able to get everything done in the amount of time that I needed.

So the moral of the story is PUT GOD FIRST! That's the ONLY thing that matters the most!
YES! I am guilty of NOT putting Him first sometimes and then my whole day STINKS! So He is most important in every way:)

1 comment:

Michele Helms said...

Oh you encourage me! I love you! Mama

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